Thursday, December 23, 2010

Motivated! 2011

In these last days of 2010, I’ve been reflecting on the year I’ve had, giving thanks for the blessings & accomplishments of the year & taking note of the things I’d like to improve on. The improvements are what I base my goals from for the New Year on. You see, ‘New Year Resolutions’ are not for me. I set goals. The term ‘New Year resolution’ has a negative connotation for me. It may not for you, but for me, calling ‘resolutions’ goals help me to not think of them as short-term changes.

Any who…. I’m proud of what I have accomplished personally & spiritually this year, but physically, I’m not where I want to be. The year started off well. I ended 2009 (November, December) working out consistently. But then around April, lost my momentum. Since then I’ve done enough here & there to not gain more than 2 lbs heavier than when this year started. I’ve been successful at that ---- at least. But I’m still far off from my ultimate goal & it’s gotten tougher to get motivated to do the minimum.

My expanding mid-section has motivated me to get back on the treadmill. Whenever I start thinking back to my days as an athlete, I get pumped b/c it reminds me that I can accomplish the physique I’ve always wanted.

So what’s kept me back in the past, or now, even? ME. I know what it takes to accomplish any goal. It starts with setting realistic goals, being consistent & charting your progress.

The reason my goals for physical fitness rarely have long lasting affects has to do with the goals I set. They’re usually not sound or realistic. And then there’s this really big elephant in the room that gets me time & time again. DISTRACTIONS. It’s like I’m the biggest magnet for them. Always looking for them. #EpicFail

It’s a tough habit to beat but I know I can. I just got to FOCUS on not allowing them, period.

I’ve always loved working out. From the pain of pushing myself to the soreness of knowing I am getting stronger to the results. Physical fitness is the best therapy. Not only does it give you confidence but it also helps you to focus, think clearly, feel accomplished, be ready for anything, and build stamina & discipline. Those are just some of the mental & spiritual benefits of it. There are health & physical benefits as well.

I’ve always associated physical discipline with successful people. Most CEOs & VPs of major companies I’ve met in my life have been physically active. Discipline. <<<<< I want that. And I can have it! So can YOU!

Let’s do this together! Set your goals for physical health. You may want to start gradual, depending on your physical history or lifestyle. Remember this includes a balanced diet & a physical regimen that includes cardio & muscle toning. (Ladies, unless you’re taking steroids or your body produces more testosterone than the average woman --- highly unlikely --- unless you used to be a man, then there’s a whole lot of science I cannot help you with --- you will NOT bulk up! Ask a physical science profession, i.e. fitness trainer. That’s what I did.)

Physical fitness is not something you want to jump into without a game plan. You won’t last long. Trust me, I know. You see, my history with fitness is checkered & fickle, on & off, a seesaw --- get my drift? In each fitness season of my life I can tell you what went wrong & what I needed to do differently. And I’ve tested those theories & know what worked & what didn’t. For me that is. What I took away to share with others, however, are rooted by the aforementioned set realistic goals, be consistent & chart your progress. Each time I fell off the wagon, it was because one of those three were not practiced.

I’ve encouraged so many friends & family over the years, helping them get motivated or hang in there. My challenge has been doing for myself what I’ve done for others. There’s a song that comes to mind every time I reflect on this --- ‘Encourage Yourself’ by Donald Lawrence & the Tri-City Singers ( ) “Sometimes you have to encourage yourself, Sometimes you have to speak victory during your test….No matter how you feel….Speak over yourself, Encourage yourself in the Lord” --- I’m actually listening to it right now.

What’s important for us to remember during this journey we’re about to embark on is consistency. Consistency builds discipline & discipline spills over into other areas of your life.

Think about some of those bad habits you’ve picked up. If you can consistently do what is not good for you to do, then imagine what you can accomplish when you consistently do something that will improve your state of being! I’m excited! Hope you are as well.

Reflect on what I’ve said. Set your goals then come back to share them here. I’ll be sharing mine as well. 

-S o L o

Monday, May 17, 2010

Reflections of An Ex-Control Freak, Part II: Rain Drops!


It finally hit me! The light bulb came on, the heavens have opened over my head....the Rain Drops poured!

So a few weeks ago, I confessed my Addiction to Control on this blog. (okay, calling it an addiction is weird but that's what it was.)

My name is Sophia & I'm a control freak. In unison now: Hello Sophia. (yeah, this is Addiction - of any kind - Anonymous.)

So's how the revelation came, how I came to release my inhibitions in God's very capable, all knowing Hands. Something I thought was a good thing came to an uprupt - let's call it - pause, b/c the jury's still out on the verdict. Okay, this is usually how I operate when a God blesses me with a good thing. I take off running in my mind of what's next & how things will pan out. Wrong. I'm always wrong about my assumptions.

Continuing.....A second good thing comes along, I figure in my mind, 'oh, so this is why the first good thing over there is on pause b/c it was not meant to be. it served its brief purpose.' HA! Then I learn the second good thing is not as 'good' as I thought, and my mind jumps back to 'well the first good thing is still a possibility.'

Do you see what's going on here? I'm setting myself up for self-destruction. Mind you, my assumptions (b/c that's what they are, I'll admit it) are not prompted by revelation from God. It's all me! Trying to figure out GOD! Isn't that INSANE! Like really, figure out what God is going to do when His Thoughts are not my thoughts, His Ways are not my ways. He does exceeding & above ALL I can ask, do or think! He's the Almighty GOD, here! See where I'm going with this?! I cannot out smart the One that knows ALL, concerning me, you, my mama, your mama, our families, the WORLD.

Back to my revelation.....God appeased me. He was like, 'alright here's the purpose of the second good thing.' (PSA: God relates to me in this way. We just tight like that. Don't be jealous. Seriously Spend time with Him today!) And before He could finish. I said inwardly, 'I don't want to know, I don't want to know, God. I can't handle it.' By this time, my heart was beating fast in anticipation of what He would say. I was thinking is He going to say what I think He's going to say, am I going to like what He is going to say? O-D (over drive)

It was then I admitted I don't want to know. I Trust God. I really don't want to know. I trust Him to know He has my best interest at heart. He's not going to stray me, as I put my trust in Him and ALLOW Him to lead. He's got me. He's got US. We just have to trust.

My revelation is this. I thought I wanted to know the outcome. But the truth of the matter is I cannot handle knowing what the outcome will be. I believe that is why God reveals some things to us in one season and reveals other things in later seasons. We would mess it up if we knew what the outcome of certain areas of our lives will be. Think about it. We would try to accelerate the process to get to the results quicker or run away from the process b/c the results are not what we want.

That is why He's the ALL Knowing God. And I'm just Sophia. B/c He knows what I cannot handle. He will not put more on me than I can bear. And that's real.

My prayer is that this reached those who needed this most. Amen

Love. Peace & SOOOOOOOOUL ~ yeah, this was serious but i just had to end in humor.

I'm praying w/ you. He's got you. Believe It.

I may not know you but I love you enough to share my journey. Blessings : )

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

God Said 'No' For A Reason

And God Said "No"

I asked God to take away my pride.
And God said "No".
He said it was not for him to take away,
but for me to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
And God said "No".
He said his spirit was whole,
his body was only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience.
And God said "No".
He said patience is a by-product of tribulations.
It isn't granted, it is earned.

I asked God to give me happiness.
And God said "No".
He said he gives me blessings, happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me pain.
And God said "No".
He said suffering draws you apart
from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow.
And God said "No".
He said I must grow on my own.
But he will prune me to make me fruitful.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.

And God said "No".
He said I will give you life, that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me LOVE others,
as much as he loves me.
And God said,
Ah, finally you have the idea.

~ Claudia Weisz ~

A good friend used the poem above to encourage me....I hope sharing this will bless you as much as it blessed me. Read it and then re-read it, applying your own situations, areas that you've asked God to help you in. Meditate on what God has given you the ability to change and the tools He's given you to conquer. Then pray this prayer....

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Reinhold Niebuhr, The Serenity Prayer
Stay encouraged, Fam!
~~Be Blessed~~

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Seek Purpose

The Lord woke me up early for this one....It's going to be good. Didn't plan what to write....

Purpose. What does it mean? To know what you were created for, how what lies within you will be used to impact the lives of others. That's Purpose. There is nothing wrong with books about purpose but I learned quickly they are not for ME. I tried reading a few books about it. I thought I would get revelation about MY purpose. But I could never get through them. How was this book going to tell me only what my Creator could reveal? It didn't come easy.

I had to seek God's face for it. Get His input, since He is the author & finisher of my life. He would know, right? ABSOLUTELY! It took ME some time because distraction comes easy. (Another lesson for a different time.)

He has a plan for your life! Whether you know it or just haven't accepted it yet. God created you, every detail about you, with PURPOSE. I encourage you to go to God, even if you haven't talked in a while, and find out from the SOURCE your purpose in life. I promise, your LIFE will never be the same.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Reflections of An Ex-Control Freak

Almost a year later & this is my 2nd post....No words. I forgot I started this. Thank God for a friend's encouragement. Then it took some time to decide what to write about.

Alright so it's been about a month since I got out of a 3 or 4 year long relationship. It was over long before I ended it officially. No heart-break or harsh feelings toward my ex. I realize my faults in continuing with this relationship, especially when the signs and signals were there early on. On top of the fact that God told me it was temporary.

I made it to be more than it was supposed to be & for that I am regretful. Don't get me wrong, I am not beating myself up. Just reflective of what I've learned and the revelation of what my actions implicate as a child of God. My actions said I did not trust Him.

And that is the biggest revelation I am getting out of this right now. More elaboration to come :)